Is a maternity photoshoot worth it? Having maternity photos is a chance to celebrate your pregnancy journey. To capture this moment in time before your family grows and your world changes. As a mother of two beautiful boys I understand how hard and exciting pregnancy can be. Your body is changing daily as your little one grows and your pregnancy progresses. You might be feeling really confident or less confident than usual. Each pregnancy is different but beautiful.

Build your confidence at your maternity photo shoot
A maternity photoshoot captures this amazing moment in your life. It gives you a chance to focus on yourself and how beautiful and powerful you are right now. While you may not feel at your most confident a maternity photo shoot should help improve your confidence. As a professional photographer I know how to light and pose you in the most flattering way so that when you look at your photos you see what I see, which is a stunning mum to be. I can give you advice on hair and makeup, also recommend professionals if you would like some extra pampering, my advice with this is whatever you do make sure you feel happy and confident, be yourself. Before your photoshoot I will send you a guide on how to prepare, what to bring with you and answer some questions you may have, so you walk in knowing what to expect. You can then come into the studio and focus on yourself for a little while. I’ll take some time to really understand what you want from your maternity photoshoot. How you want to feel, where your planning to use and display your photos. The final look your going for.

Creating memories
You are pregnant for such a short amount of time. Often it passes by in a blur of hospital, doctor and midwife appointments. Your planning and preparing for your new arrival, making sure you have everything in place for their arrival. A maternity photo shoot gives you a chance to slow down and enjoy your pregnancy. Really focus on you and how amazing you are. The photo we create together capturing your pregnancy will form part of your family history. They are something you can share with loved ones and your child or children when they are older.
Invest in yourself
A maternity photo shoot is a time to invest in your self and celebrate the journey you are on. You can bring any outfits or objects you would like to use at the photo session. I also have a wardrobe of dresses and fabrics which you can make use of. So whatever you have in mind we can work together to create your vision.
Time to bond with your partner
I love to involve partners in maternity photo shoots. It’s gives you a chance to really focus on each other and your connection. As well as sharing your excitement about your baby together. Your partner can be as involved or uninvolved as you’d both like. I always suggest getting them involved as it can really help them bond with baby as its a time dedicated to thinking about your pregnancy.

Final thoughts
So is a maternity photo shoot worth it? For many parents to be the answer is yes. It lets you capture an incredible moment in your life, as you grow this new little person and await the expansion of your family. It lets you celebrate your pregnancy and capture lasting memories to look back on and share with your loved one’s.
Head to my maternity photography page to learn more about what we offer.